lethe.mail project
: Roel Meelkop
itoh kazuhito trio
murakami hitoshi +k.kuwayama
NMR ceremony project
: mars furuta + ando shin + aoki kenji

murakami hitoshi + k.kuwayama
  【村上等 percussion,etc】
1953年 三重県桑名郡長島町の自宅の納戸と呼ばれる暗い部屋にて産婆に よって取り出され生まれる。以来、その部屋の暗さが全人生に陰を 落とす。ちなみに姉はあんたは納戸で生まれたが私は総合病院で生まれたと今でも自慢している。
1965年 ギターを弾き出す
1968年 家出をすればギターリストに成れると思い大阪へのがれるも恐くて  2日で帰郷
1969年 借りたドラムでドラムを始める
1970年 日曜画家めざし絵に励む
1971年 東京へ出る
1973年 ローンでボンゴを買う
1977年 帰郷
1979年 民芸調居酒屋に勤める。この頃カラオケブームで店内でカラオケに合わせてマラガスを振ったり、ボンゴを叩き天才と称讃される。 僕のリズム感はこの頃完成されたもので、だから、ずれるのでしょう
1987年 栄にkukuという民芸調パブをはじめる。
1990年 パールの全セット59,800円というドラムセットを買う。以来数多くの道場荒らしとノールールで戦うが8割は負けたような気がする

Hitoshi Murakami : Percussion, etc.
In 1953, born in Nagashima-chou Kuwana-county in Mie prefecture. The midwife took him out of his motherユs womb in the darkroom that is called the closet. Ever since the darkness of that room led him into the life of darkness. His big sister still does brag about that she was born in the hospital, while he was born in the closet.
In 1965, started playing guitar.
In 1968, thought that if he ran away from home, he could be a guitarist, so tried to run away to Osaka, but knelt his knee, and came home two days later.
In 1969, borrowed the drum set and started playing.
In 1970, preoccupied with painting to be a Sunday painter.
In 1971, moved to Tokyo.
In 1973, bought Bongo drums in installments.
In 1977, came home.
In 1979, worked at pub(Izakaya) with the atmosphere of folklore. The era was the heyday of Karaoke, and he played maracas and Bongo drums while the customers were singing Karaoke. He was widely acclaimed as the genius. He believes that the sense of his rhythm was founded at this period, that's why something is wrong with his rhythm sense.
In 1987, Opened the folk pub [Ku-ku] in Sakae.
In 1990, bought the complete drum set by the price of 59,800yen(made by Pearl), since then, kept battling against outlaw players without any rules. Feels that he lost 80% of all the matches.
He thinks the guerrilla activity toward the sound and the art is enjoyable. And he also thinks guerrillas must fight against the government army with using the bamboo spears and the pitfalls and should be fully armed. We must produce more scum.
plug-in : Quicktime 5+ > download
copyright (c) lethe.voice festival 2003 All Rights Reserved. 翻訳:藤井哲